One of my favorite things on this great green Earth is objects, activities, people and events that have absolutely no meaning or use whatsoever. I admire the effort that went into building such things and the overall attention they receive. One has to think that if we were to put as much energy into doing nothing then we could achieve some pretty groovy things in our short lives.

Well, that's the theory anyway.

Okay, I can see I'm losing some of you so I'll explain just what the hell I'm talking about in my standard wordy fashion. I ordered a Pizza Hut Pizza this weekend because I couldn't go out and play due to illness. (poor me.) And they included a cute little Crash Bandicoot Playstation Demo Disc. Crash Bandicoot in case you're unaware is a comical character that looks slightly like a deranged Robin Williams in body paint on acid.

I decided to dig out my old playstation and give the disc a try. After about three hours of tearing my office apart to find the damned power cord for the comatose waste of time machine I finally was ready to really throw away a few hours of trying to remember how the controller worked. Then I could invest some really efficient slouch time. The first demo on this disc is Tony Hawk's Skateboard Maniac or something like that. I can reasonably say that my thumbs will never be the same after this nightmare of a video game.

I however am the Winston Churchill of the Playstation realm.

"We shall never surrender!"

Well, the next thing I know it's five a.m. and my girlfriend hates me.

Actually that's not really true. She's very understanding. But that little evil eye she gives me when she asks if I have written this week's Hy5 tells me I'm gonna be lonely for a long time if I don't get off my ass. I try to tell her I'm ill and video games are suggested by the Surgeon General as an effective antibiotic inducer.

I lose this argument as I usually do and so I have to turn the machine off. (Again, poor me.)

But at least I had a topic to write about.

Also I have someone to give my Hy5 award to. I'm giving it to my girlfriend for showing me that writing can be just as much fun as a handplant grind double through the pipe with a footflip Madonna for 10388 points. (yea me!)

So if you have a playstation or any other means thereof I highly suggest this game. Lots of fun and lots of wasted time that could be spent doing something important. As for me, I'm feeling much better and headed for work. That is as soon as I surf the net looking for cheat codes for this demo disc! WooHoo!