Living in Orlando, I see thousands of tourists filing through the city to see the world famous theme parks and attractions. Families revel in the good, clean, wholesome fun that Universal Studios, Seaworld and Walt Disney provide. It is a true joy to watch children especially as they experience these sights for the first time. Disney loves kids.

Well, now it seems they love them a little bit more than they should.

A couple of days ago an Internet executive for the Walt Disney Corporation's web company was arrested for soliciting sex from a 13 year old girl.

The girl, actually a male FBI agent, agreed to meet him at California's world famous Santa Monica Pier and promptly arrested him for being a dirty old man.

Now released on $100,000 bond, Naughton isn't saying anything but the investigators are releasing along with the creep the things he has done.

For seven months he dedicated his Internet life to fishing for and reeling in minors to his secret web site that had pictures of his- uh, Lion King. He did this even after he was told he was speaking and surfing with a child.

Okay, folks. Patrick Naughton is a fricking creep that needs to be shown what a small world prison is after all.

Now, so far Disney has not commented on this issue because they want to limit the exposure (no pun intended) between Naughton and the Billion dollar company. Well, of course they do. Disney is like Michael Jackson. Every time someone substantiates that they did something lewd or just plain wrong they skip off to their ivory tower of singing crickets and talking mirrors asking all the way, "who's the fairest company of them all?"

I'm going to let you guys in on a secret.

In Orlando, people hate Walt Disney. Granted there is that hypocritical, bite the hand that feeds you, quality about us but you really have to experience the all-encompassing power Disney has in this town. It's like having that big eared rodent play the part in some shiny happy people version of George Orwell's 1984.

A Disney exec trying to screw a 13-year-old girl in my book is wrong. At least I think it is. Hang on, let me check. Yep, it's listed right next to boiling kittens.

In the next few weeks defamation accusations are going to be made against the police for releasing details about Naughton's criminal activities. This is typical. The rapist blaming the target and all that.

Now I'm not blaming Disney for this dude. They bought the company Naughton works for. They didn't really know anything about him so he is on the whole a consequence in their eyes. However one would think they would actively go out of their way to denounce him.

The fact that they are taking a back seat and tactfully thinking about what to do next is just plain cold. It's cold to justice and cold to the kids they are supposed to be around for.